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Patriot Act II - Summary and Links
also known as Domestic Security Enhancement Act (DSEA)
(see additonal links at end of summary - also see follow-up story after summary)

Justice Dept. Drafts Sweeping Expansion of Anti-Terrorism Act.
Center for Public Integrity Publishes Secret Draft of ‘Patriot II’ Legislation

Summary from:
See link at end for full story and actual document.

By Charles Lewis and Adam Mayle (summary of their article)
(WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2003) -- The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information.
The Center for Public Integrity has obtained a draft copy of the Justice Department's proposed Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.
If you thought the Patriot Act rolled back our liberties too much, and gave too much power to the executive branch, wait until you read this.
Just a few Examples:
Gives the Attorney General (Ashcroft) authority to to engage in electronic surveillance, physical searches, pen registers, WITHOUT the prior
approval of the FISA court. This authority is triggered if Congress authorizes the use of military force, or the United States suffers a national
Chemical companies would not have to report chemical spills or other types of releases.
Federal agencies would be able to be even more secretive.
United States citizens could be STRIPPED of their citizenship.
It vastly increases the powers of the Atorney General and his designated deputies.
It offers protections from prosecution for government agents who engage in unconstitutional actions.
It shields the executive branch even more from the Freedom of Information Act.
It makes more aspects of government secret, and increases penalties for whistleblowers.
The list is long.
For Full Story see

Senate Approves Greater Secret Search and Wiretap Powers (DSEA i.e. Patriot II one item at a time)

The bill the Senate passed today is actually the same as the first section of Patriot Act II, which the Administration repeatedly has told us is a rough draft.

Section 101: Individual Terrorists as Foreign Powers.

Under 50 U.S.C. § 1801(a)(4), the definition of "foreign power" includes groups that engage in international terrorism, but does not reach unaffiliated individuals who do so. As a result, investigations of "lone wolf" terrorists or "sleeper cells" may not be authorized under FISA. Such investigations therefore must proceed under the stricter standards and shorter time periods set forth in Title III, potentially resulting in unnecessary and dangerous delays and greater administrative burden. This provision would expand FISA's definition of "foreign power" to include all persons, regardless of whether they are affiliated with an international terrorist group, who engage in international terrorism.

Could this be the beginning of an attempt to pass the provisions of Patriot Act II piecemeal, thereby avoiding the controversial label "Patriot Act II" ? If another section of PA II gets introduced and passed this way, we foresee a monumental problem. The Schumer-Kyl bill was originally introduced on January 9, the same date on the draft of Patriot Act II. A coincidence?

The Schumer-Kyl bill is S. 113.

The purpose of S. 113 is to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA), title 50, United States Code, to permit surveillance of so-called `lone wolf' foreign terrorists. S. 113 would allow a FISA warrant to issue upon probable cause that a non-United States person is engaged in or preparing for international terrorism, without requiring a specific showing that the non-United States person also is affiliated with a foreign power. By eliminating the requirement of a foreign-power link for FISA warrants in such cases, S. 113 would allow U.S. intelligence agencies to monitor foreign terrorists who, though not affiliated with a group or government, pose a serious threat to the people of the United States. In light of the significant risk of devastating attacks that can be carried out by non-United States persons acting alone, individual terrorists must be monitored and stopped, regardless of whether they operate in coordination with other individuals or organizations.

Update: The New York Times reports the overwhelming support for today's bill was the result of a compromise in which Senator Hatch pulled his request to repeal the sunset provisions of the Patriot Act.


"The Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill intended to close a legal loophole that lawmakers say prevented the FBI from obtaining a crucial warrant to conduct surveillance of Zacarias Moussaoui before the Sept. 11 attacks."

"The legislation, known as the 'Moussaoui fix,' was approved 90-4. It would make it easier for the FBI to seek warrants for wiretaps and searches on non-Americans suspected of planning terrorist attacks, by eliminating a requirement to show the suspect was connected to a known terrorist group or a country that sponsors terrorism."

We don't see this as closing a loophole but as giving the Government new powers. The current law only allows secret FISA wiretaps and searches if the target is the agent of a foreign power or organization. The "fix" will allow secret FISA wiretaps and searches if the Government can't link the target to a terror organization.

The bill is also known as the "lone wolf" bill and was introduced by Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and John Kyl (R-AZ). It passed easily today, 94 to 6, and now goes to the House.

Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont criticized the bill, saying it wouldn't make Americans any safer. An amendment sought by Senator Dianne Feinstein was rejected.

Once again we are moving in the direction of giving more power to prosecutors with less judicial oversight. FISA judges must rubber stamp secret FISA applications for eavesdropping so long as the application is filled out correctly. They don't weigh the merits of the request. There is no disclosure of whether the warrants produce useful information so Congress can make sure the power isn't being misused by the Executive Branch. All that has to be disclosed is the total number of applications made and how many were granted or refused.

For more on the issue of FISA warrants, our prior coverage is here. Chisum Lee of the Village Voice recently wrote about Schumer and his quest to pass this bill in an article called "Ashcroft's New Ally."